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Josesk Volpe

A member registered Dec 12, 2021

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i don't think ChromeOS uses OpenSUSE as a compatibility layer, but i'm not sure. I think it should be Debian

This bug also happens on Windows

Yeah, it does. Works great on Wine + Xorg (didn't tested on Wayland).
Although there's some minor bugs like the meme windows not moving out of the corner and some sounds not playing

(1 edit)

Enable GNU/Linux compatibility and use Wine

As i remember, Wayland doesn't support absolute window position, so only Xorg would be possible, unless if you do some hacky tricks

Do not use virtual machine, use Wine instead
This game doesn't work out-of-the-box though, because of bug 52907, but it works very well (even better than on Windows with DirectX) if you use DXVK